Can Correlation Coefficient Be More Than 1
The Pearsons correlation coefficient can be used to evaluate the relationship between more than two variables. In fact if you have a regression equation that has no coefficients above 1 it is easy to change it into an equivalent equation that has coefficients above 1 just by changing the scale of either the IV or the DV eg. Correlation Coefficients Positive Negative Zero Its also standard deviation of y over standard deviation of x or the slope of the standardized graph using z-scores. . Definition 1 defines the multiple correlation coefficient R zx y and the corresponding multiple coefficient of determination for three variables x y and z. Correlation coefficient cannot be greater than 1. If correlation coefficient 1 it means. There is no reason why not. A regression is a best fit and therefore has a correlation coefficient close to one. This coefficient is invariant over permi. The possible range for the...